
I don't write regularly about what I've read/listened to anymore. I found I wasn't getting the cognitive benefit for the time invested.

These will more likely be rants or one-off "how-tos".

  • New Site Launch July 23, 2020

    Just a brief post to share something I’ve been working on/thinking about the past few weeks. I’ve been experimenting with “No Code” tools recently, and I’m continually blown away by the flexibility and power they provide. I’m launching a site dedicated to “No Code” tutorials, tips, tools, and news: https://nocodeautomation.

  • Happy Fourth 2020 July 4, 2020

    No new content this week as I enjoy a long holiday weekend. Hopefully everyone is able to take some enjoyment and happiness from this weekend, even in these unprecedented times. Stay safe and healthy!

  • juneteenth June 19, 2020

    Rather than resuming my usual cadence of content posts, I thought it would be better to follow up on my last post with a similar theme. Today marks the anniversary of the “end” of slavery. While it’s a positive direction that our country generally decided it was no longer appropriate to “own” another human being, the legacy of racism obviously lives on today.

  • something different June 5, 2020

    I think the events of this week merit something a bit more meaningful than a post about technology or entrepreneurial podcasts. There’s not a lot I can say, other than to suggest we lift up and help the marginalized voices in our society, who are so desperate to be heard.

  • pkm redux May 29, 2020

    I think the hallmark of any good note-taking system is that it is never static. It’s something you should revisit from time to time. If the workflow no longer makes sense for you, or the tagging system has grown too large, or you simply want a change of pace, it’s probably time to refactor and rethink.